Educational Grants

Easy Blogging Cash - 4 Cool Tricks to Funnel Floods of Money Into Your Account


It is not difficult to create a blog as that can be done free of cost through Google and related search engines. What is difficult here is the fact that your blog has to be effective enough to attract people from all walks of life. In order to make money from your blog, you need to keep the following things in mind.

1) Offer Freebies

If you have a blog that caters to real estate sites then I suggest you gift a mortgage calculator. At the same time, you can also offer a variety of webmaster tool and other blogging tools. This is essential if you want to make money from your blog.

2) Generate quality backlinks through social media sites

If you submit your articles to social media sites, not only would you generate quality backlinks, you could easily increase the traffic to your website. This would allow you to make money from your blog.

3) Start campaigning

Offer freebies to bloggers who write for your bogs. You can start a competition and offer prize money for the best blogger from amidst your niche. This would help generate traffic and allow you to make money from your blog.


This is a website through which you can compliment fellow bloggers and promote your own blog by doing so. Just make sure that while writing a review for your fellow blogger, you do not elevate his blog higher than yours. It is after a competition which has a single winner. This is also an effective means to make money from your blog.

Fabian Tan is a well-known Internet Marketing expert and the author of the popular 45-page Report:

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Make Money with A Blog An empty promise?

Ninety-nine percent of people that start blogs with the intent to earn money will quit within the first month simply because they will never earn anything

Yet, SOME earn hundreds of dollars a month from blogging. A few, even earn thousands. Whats the difference?

Many of the bloggers who earn money online, offer tips to others about how they earn their money. These tips provide very useful strategy, BUT. typically you have to then learn how to carry out that strategy how exactly does one set up an RSS feed? And while you might find an article RSS made easy that will tell you how to complete this process in 20 or 30 minutes. Multiply the number of pieces of information like that times a half hour (to find the information and implement it) and you are looking at a full-time job for a week. A very frustrating week too. Because all the while you are getting this information, one voice in your head will be saying If this doesnt work, youll have wasted a lot of time. And another voice will be saying, There should be an easier way. Well, guess what? There IS an easier way. See the next section.

Web 2.0 Wealth system is blogging for the rest of us. The rest of us meaning everyone that doesnt want to spend hours on their computer or doesnt already know how to setup an RSS feed or thinks that a few dozen visitors to their website each week is about as good as it gets, etc. The rest of us.

Here is another way of looking at Web 2.0 Wealth system. Its blogging the way it should be. Easy and profitable. Easy, because virtually all of the blogging code is downloaded and installed in a few steps. Yes, you have configuration to do after that, but all the thinking has been done for the configuration. You dont have to understand all the options. The video instruction first tells you what you want the setting to be, then SHOWS you how to set it. Could it get any easier?

I really want to thank Alex Sysoef for producing the Web 2.0 Wealth product. It really brings a profitable blog within everyones reach. This is no get-rich-quick scheme that promises a lot and then doesnt deliver. Alex didnt throw an ebook or video together in a day or even a week. He saw a need, developed a solution, had beta-testers get the kinks out. Hes offering real customer-service and has a genuine desire to see his customers succeed. Web 2.0 Wealth is a blogging product in a class by itself first-class.

To learn more the Web 2.0 Wealth system, including a special bonus that I created for purchasers, go to:

Jan Nelson writes a blog (and will soon be writing more!) Making Money Online - Scam or Legit and writes reviews for the website: See her special bonus offer for the Web 2.0 Wealth product.

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Educational Grants: Dec 3, 2008

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