Educational Grants

How to Make Money Online

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Are you a newbie to the idea of how to make money online? Don't feel bad because there are many out there who would like to do it too but know how or where to begin. If you're in this boat you've come to the right place. The great opportunity of making money online as a newbie doesn't have to pass you by. I was there too. As a Christian minister trying to get more money for my family and ministry expenses, I saw other people making money online and wanted to do the same. So I started researching how to make money online even as a newbie who knew NOTHING about websites and internet marketing. Although I now make several thousand dollars each month, I made lots of mistakes along the way, but learned as I went. I am sharing the following in hopes of helping others provide better for their families as well.

Make a Website for Your Existing Business

If you already have a small business, the topic of your site is already chosen. You can literally easily grow your present income as a newbie by having an online presence for your business. Furthermore, nowadays you need not know any web design or HTML to do it. Many of the web hosting companiescome with free Site Builder tools that will allow you to put up your own professional looking website in hours with no hassles. No matter if you build your website from scratch or used pre-made templates that comes with a site builder, you will need to host your website on a web server. Since there are many reliable web hosting packages out there at less than $10 per month this makes it all quite affordable to make money online as a newbie.

Make a Web Site and Become an Affiliate

Did you know you can make money online as a newbie by not selling anything? That's actually what I do. I don't have a product or inventory but make thousands of dollars online each month by affiliating with other companies that do sell stuff. Using an example from my Christian Dating site (, I'll give you the run down on how this way can make you money online as a newbie:

  1. Build a blogging website on a topic that I like to write about.
  2. Go to, a middleman company that matches affiliates with companies looking for folks to put ads on their sites
  3. Put an ad on my blogging site about a certain company. For example, I have a Christian dating site that partners with eHarmony. You see eHarmony and thousands of other companies and businesses are looking for folks like us to put commercials on their web sites to drive traffic to their sites. In turn
  4. Collect commissions from from after I make a sale

One warning here. If you are a newbie excited at the prospects of making money online, please don't swallow any of the get rich quick schemes out there you may come across. finally, we also recommend you Google 'make money online' and read up on the topic.

David Butler, the author of this article, is a Christian businessman, and has several web hosting sites, Affordable Web Hosting 4U, HostGator Reviews and Bluehost Reviews

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