Work at Home Moms are constantly on the lookout for ways to increase their work at home income. Thousands of work at home moms run websites that are supported by Google adsense. Many of these work at home moms arent making enough to qualify to receive a monthly check from Google. Below are five tips that will help work at home moms or WAHMS increase their Google Adsense Revenue that in turn will allow them to help their family which is the whole reason behind being a work at home mom.
Tip #1: The first tip I suggest is to make your ad not look like an ad. To accomplish this, you need to take away the borders and the background colors and blend your ads into the page.
Tip #2: Make sure the appropriate content and keywords are on the page so that Google Adsense can server your page relevant ads. If someone comes to your page but doesnt see relevant ads they are not likely to click on them because the content is not useful to them.
Tip #3: Place Your ad above the fold. What I mean by this is to place Google Adsense code near the top of the page so that your ads will be seen by more of your visitors thus they are more likely to click on an ad if it is interesting to them.
Tip #4: Get more traffic to your site. The more traffic you have to your site the more people will click on your ads. Its that simple.
Tip #5: Content is very important. Good original content is even better. You need good content combined with keyword research to make a decent living with Google adsense. The better the content, the better the ads will be served to your pages.
Lastly, never stop adding pages to your site. The more pages you have the more chances of revenue you will have.
Copyright 2005 All Rights Reserved
About The Author: Amanda Compton is a work at home mom to 2 little boys. She owns and publishes an informative Home Business Resource site for Work at Home Moms. Go to for daily tips, help, and support for Work at Home Moms to achieve Internet Home Business Success!
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