Educational Grants

Health and Safety Culture


It should be every person's objective to maintain the highest standard of health and safety in the workplace. There are rules and regulations that govern this issue. Each employee should be made aware of them. More often than not, once the employee reads through the regulations they realize that most of them are common sense. The important thing is for them to know how to react if there is a crisis. An employee who has a home which keeps up standards of health and safety will very easily understand the same concept at work.

Giving the health and safety rules and regulations to employees to read is not enough. A culture that respects health and safety as a necessity must be nurtured and encouraged. Very often the best way to get this across is by example. If this attitude starts right from the top such as the owner of a business or the chairman of a corporation it filters down to all the employees. The work place must be kept clean in order to comply with health regulations. This is important for the well being of the workers. Safety could mean anything from proper bundling of wiring and cabling to good lighting.

Make Health And Safety Easy

Health and Safety is good for the workers and also the company. If workers are getting sick or injured this could result in time and money being wasted. If the business has the means then the employment of a health and safety expert will ensure that workers and environment are kept in order. If the business is too small offer the appointment on a part time basis to a current employee. Make the offer of a special bonus for this extra responsibility. Often a group of workers need to have someone to lead the way when it comes to health and safety. But it does make an added impact for the owner to show an interest.

A very necessary task is to hold regular meetings. The meetings can take place every week or perhaps once a month. This is a health and safety forum where workers can feel comfortable talking about anything they are worried about. It is important for the company to get feedback from their employees. The employees are usually the first ones to notice anything that may be out of order regarding health and safety in their surroundings. A very good tactic is to place the health and safety regulations in a variety of areas where the workers can read them and often.

Once employees realize that the health and safety regulations are for their benefit and wellbeing they will be more willing to comply. Pretty soon being aware of health and safety will be automatic. This means that the company has been successful in cultivating a culture of health and safety. These regulations are a necessity in the workplace because it is required by law.

For more health information:

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Write An EBook - Make Money


"I want to write an eBook and make some money," my earnest writer, Nancy, said to me. She heard that eBooks make money and she wanted to use this easy method rather than write a traditional book that takes much longer to publish.

There are thousands of articles on the Internet that show you how to write an eBook, but very few that tell you what you need to do to market and sell your eBook online.

Writing the eBook is the easy part. There are many other things that need to be done to sell your eBook. Listed below are some of the basic activities that need to be done so that people will come to your Website and buy your eBook and you will make money. If you don't know what some of the terms I mention below mean, then start searching the Internet for these words and buy an eBook that covers this information.

1. Do your research

Before you begin writing, do your research. Research your area of expertise and determine if your eBook is likely to be profitable. Do an Internet search for your topic and see what eBooks are out there on your subject. Check out the prices. Soon you will know how to write an eBook with your niche that will sell.

2. Build a website that attracts traffic

First you have to have a place to sell your eBook. It must be traffic rich with keywords that attract a targeted traffic-people who already are looking for the type of eBook you have to offer. Build your keyword rich Website and the Internet surfers will come and visit you.

3. Build your list

Collect business cards at networking and speaking events. Add the names and email addresses to your autoresponder. Drive traffic to your Website by writing eZine articles on your subject and sending them to eZine article services. Offer a free report if they sign up for your newsletter which you will send to them once or twice a month. Oh yes, you have to get an autoresponder service to collect your names. Do an Internet search for "autoresponder" and you will find several services that offer this.

4. Write a sales page

Start looking at Websites that offer an eBook similar to yours. Check out their promotional sales letter. Would you buy the product based on their sales letter? If yes, then write a sales letter similar to theirs, but don't copy word for word. Create your own exciting copy that will make people want to buy your eBook.

5. A Paypal account with a Paypal button on your sales page

Start with a Paypal account to use to sell your book and make money. Later, when your sales are bigger and you have more than one product to sell on your site you can sign up for a commercial credit card account.

6. Promote your book in forums, blogs, and social networking sites

On blogs and forums everytime you make a comment include your name, eBook title and Web address if possible. Sign up for Facebook, Linkedin and other social networking sites to promote your book and direct people to your site. Include a chapter, or part of one, on your networking sites to give people a taste of the eBook. There are eBook directories that can help promote your eBook.

7. Write articles for article directories

Writing articles of 600-1000 words and sending them to eZine article services is a good way to get people to come to your site. Check out as they have good articles on how to use them and the guidelines are similar for other services. This gets your name and Website address out there in Internet world and some people will come to your site and sign up for your eZine. Then you will have more names added to your list.

8. Joint Ventures

Team up with other eBook authors to cross promote each other's eBooks. Promise to send referrals to each other and recommend each other's products. It may be difficult at first if you don't have a large list of names, but give it a try. If it is a good eBook partners may be interested in promoting your book for a 40-50% commission.

Selling your eBook takes weeks or months of work. Begin doing these activities while you are writing your eBook. Don't wait until it is finished. Wouldn't it be nice if you already had a built in list of names to announce your new eBook to? This can happen if you have been steadily acquiring business cards and adding them to your list. Plus get signups for the eZine (online newsletter) that you promised your subscribers you would send out once or twice a month.

Get started writing and submitting articles, building your website, building your list, creating your sales copy, posting to your blog, and getting joint venture experts to promote and sell your eBook.

Little did Nancy know that selling an eBook would take lots work. But if she takes some baby steps every day she will get it done in her own time, and so will you.

Copyright 2008, Joan Clout-Kruse. All rights reserved.

Joan Clout-Kruse, America's Book Coach, is the publisher of one of the top weekly Ezine reports for small biz owners covering writing, marketing and publishing on anything words to make money and boost your business.

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Educational Grants: Dec 1, 2008

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