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Minerals and Health - They Go Hand in Hand


Minerals are essential for your health and nutrition. Minerals are need for the proper composition of body fluids, the formation of blood and bones, maintaining healthy nerve function, and minerals also function as coenzymes, which enable the body to build and feed cells.They are also partly responsible for your energy levels.

There are two ways for your body to get the essential minerals it needs. The best way for your body to get the minerals it needs is through food, but some people prefer supplements because of the difficulty associated with following a strict diet.

If you decide to take supplements, however, make sure they are of the highest quality and are independently regulated and tested. Most supplements are poorly made and are never broken down within your body.

Listed below are the food sources of the essential minerals your body needs on a daily basis to stay healthy:

* Copper---Soy beans, raisins, legumes, brazil nuts, molasses, and seafood
* Iron---Figs, beets, kelp, soy beans, carrots, cucumbers, sunflower seeds, watercress, raisins, bananas, grapes, and parsley
* Calcium---Figs, beans, almonds, raisins, brown rice, carrots, dates, spinach, cashews, papaya, celery, avocados, sesame seeds, brazil nuts, and garlic
* Chromium--- Clams, whole grains, brewers yeast, corn oil, and cheese
* Iodine---Dulce, lettuce, kelp, grapes, Irish moss, beets, oranges, celery, and mushrooms
* Potassium---Apples, tomatoes, spinach, bananas, strawberries, celery, mushrooms, figs, lemons, pineapple, rice, papaya, cucumbers, Brussels sprouts, pecans, and raisins
* Zinc---Liver, seafood, mushrooms, sunflower, and soy beans
* Sulphur---Eggs, cheese, nuts, onions, turnips, corn, broccoli, fish, wheat germ, and cucumbers
* Manganese---Bananas, beets, celery, egg yolks, walnuts, bran, whole grains, and leafy green vegetables
* Magnesium---Honey, tuna, almonds, pecans, kelp, and green vegetables
* Phosphorus---Cashews, oats, pecans, squash, almonds, carrots, and mushrooms
* Sodium---Raw milk, cucumbers, okra, seafood, lima beans, turnips, wheat germ, and pumpkins

If you have a hard time eating a lot of the foods above, try taking supplements, but remember that you need to be careful and do your research first. Make sure that it is a reputable health company with a proven track record of success. They should have nothing to hide and should be able to provide you with all of the technical information, ingredients, research, and the results of the independent research for every product they sell.

Natural health is becoming a popular and ever growing industry. It is good that more people are becoming pro-active about their health., but you need to watch out for companies who are providing poor quality natural products to make a quick buck in the natural health trend. There are a lot of them. Good natural health companies have been around for more than thirty years--before natural health was ever a cash machine.

A good natural health company should also have clinical studies published in scientific journals. In order to get published in one of these journals, the scientific community as a whole must agree with the findings in the study. It is very difficult to get published and only a few natural health companies have ever done so. Last but not least they should offer you a money back guarantee, just in case their products aren't for you.

Please try and implement as many of the foods listed above into your diet as possible. They are loaded with the essential minerals your body needs for its health. Do your research and find some unique, healthy recipes that include the foods and minerals above. Good luck on your journey towards health and wellness!

Brue M. Baker, is an expert on natural health and fitness who has helped people from across the world sky-rocket their health and well-being. Rather than hitting your head against a wall trying to find unbiased health information let Brue take you by the hand and give you the best natural health information and resources on the web. Visit to learn more.

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Body Acne Prevention


When we think of acne, we think of blemishes on the face. But unfortunately, acne is not disagreeable to the idea of taking up residence on others parts of the body, and many people experience breakouts on their backs, arms, and shoulders. This can be very embarrassing and frustrating to deal with-while there are scores of facial products targeted at acne prone skin, body acne seems to get less attention. Really, though, the methods for preventing and curing body acne are not drastically different from what you would do for your face in such a situation.


The skin on your back, chest, arms and shoulders is much more durable than facial skin and can withstand more frequent scrubbing-it's also more likely to suffer from clogged pores since the skin cells are thicker. So don't hesitate to slough of blemishes in the shower with a body scrub. Just avoid a product that contains alcohol, as these can try out the skin and in turn lead to increased oil production and more acne. Use a body brush to reach the middle of your back and your shoulders.

Your Detergent Could Be to Blame

Harsh clothing detergents are often the culprit for body breakouts. This is especially likely if you have a history of sensitive skin. Fragrances and dyes commonly found in detergents can irritate and inflame the sebaceous glands, which regulate oil production. Use a gentle detergent made for sensitive skin and don't skimp on the rinse cycle when washing clothes.


Many people religiously moisturize their faces, but are not so likely to use lotion on their body. Its important to keep skin hydrated and balanced so the skin doesn't feel the need the pump out extra oil. It's important to find a moisturizer that's light and oil-free, without any irritating dyes or fragrances.

Whether you suffer from body acne or just want to avoid any embarrassing breakouts next tank top season, the above tips will help you keep your skin clear all over. The key is to show the rest of your skin the same attention you give to your face.

Brent Crouch is the owner of He has dedicated this site to researching the best acne treatment available on the market today.

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Educational Grants: Aug 24, 2008

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