Educational Grants

Tips For Blogging Success

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Blogging is a powerful form of website promotion and business promotion, but what can you do to ensure that you really get the type of results you want to achieve? Here are a few blogging tips for a great blog.

Create a Compelling Title

What do you name your blog? The title you give your blog is going to be one of the first things your readers see and it will influence your search engine optimization. This means that it needs to include the keywords you are optimizing for and also capture your readers' interest. Think carefully before naming your blog.

Post Regularly

Blogs by their very nature are meant to be updated regularly - at least once every few days. It is this that keeps people coming back and also what helps to give blogs their good ranking with search engines. Aim to post at least a short snippet to your blog every other day.

Make Sure Your Posts are Interesting and Informative

They needn't be long but make sure they give your readers something to think about. It could even be a short quote but do not just hard sell and make sure you offer quality posts. This will keep your visitors coming back for more.

Encourage Interaction

Blogs were the first form of social marketing on the internet - they encouraged comments before most other websites were offering this. Take advantage of this social aspect and allow your readers to leave their comments. You may want to moderate these to ensure people aren't spamming your blog but don't just stop people posting altogether.

Create an RSS Feed for Your Blog

RSS feeds are news items that people can subscribe to using their feed reader. By creating an RSS feed for your blog you encourage people to regularly view your blog to see what you have written. RSS feeds also open up new possibilities for blog promotion such as feed directories.

Blogs can be one of your greatest marketing tools but you need to ensure that you capture and keep your readers interest and that you post informative posts regularly.

Mitch Carson is an award-winning direct marketer, consultant, author and columnist who has consulted for the BEST of the BEST in marketing including, Legendary marketer Dan Kennedy, Jay Conrad Levinson author of "Guerilla Marketing", Joe Vitale, Ron LeGrand #1 How to Get Rich in Real Estate, Ted Thomas, Internet Marketing Guru Yanik Silver, Mark Victor Hansen, Co-author #1 Best Selling Series, "Chicken Soup for the Soul", and other marketing experts on advanced direct marketing techniques. He has had been written up in over 140 newspapers worldwide (including the Wall Street Journal, LA Times, Washington Post and more), over 600 radio stations, and has been featured in over 200 spots on QVC, Home Shopping Network, Fox News, and Reuters Worldwide. He can be reached at 818-280-0199, and

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