Blogging has become a successful home business for many people. It's an easy business to start, because there are few or no start up costs. However, if you want to make money, you must have something to sell on your blog - create a "sales" blog.
Although content-heavy blogs on which you sell advertising do make money, these blogs take time before they become profitable, simply because you need a lot of content. How much content? Since blogging has become mainstream, and there are many content blogs, it may take at least 500 to 1000 posts on a content blog for profitability.
"Sales" blogs, which sell products or services, can be profitable with as few as ten to 20 blog posts.
So aim for a sales blog, so your blog becomes profitable more quickly.
Before you start blogging, you need a plan. Create your plan first, before you create your blog. It's difficult to make money with a blog which hasn't been set up as a money-maker from the start.
Let's look at four easy steps to developing a profitable sales blog.
1. Decide what you'll sell on your blog
To make money, your blog must sell something: a service, or a product. Many bloggers sell affiliate products from their blog.
If you've been blogging for a while, you can sell your blogging services from your blog.
2. Make a list of the products, or services which you'll sell
If you're selling as an affiliate, make a list of products you'll sell - reviews of these products will form the basis of your blog articles.
Many affiliate bloggers sell lots of products on a single blog. However, it will be more profitable to divide the products you're selling into topics; then create a new blog for each topic. This means that each blog can be more focused, and this will mean more traffic.
If you're selling your own blogging services, set up the blog to do this. Write articles promoting each service you provide. Essentially, the blog becomes your online portfolio.
3. Start blogging, but keep SALES at the forefront of your mind
Next, you can start writing blog posts. However, plan your posts. Planning is vital for a sales blog. For example, let's say you've created a sales blog to sell affiliate products related to pets.
You've collected ten affiliate products. Plan articles related to those ten products. You can create review-style articles, as well as general content articles with a link to one of your affiliate products.
If you want to get hired as a blogger, then this must be obvious on your blog, and on every post you write - write several articles promoting each of your services.
4. Promote your blog
Finally, it's time to promote your blog. There are many ways in which you can promote your blog: with classified advertising, Pay Per Click advertising, and article marketing.
How you choose to promote is up to you. However, do remember that you must promote your blog.
So there you have four easy steps to making money with a sales blog. When you plan your blog for sales from the start, your blog will be profitable for you from the start.
Blogging PLUS coaching ensures that you'll make money. Pro blogger and copywriter Angela Booth has been making money blogging since 2002. She'll teach you how to blog the right way, so your blog is profitable from the start, with her bestseller, "Blogging for Dollars" at
Angela's blogging ebook package has a companion blog, the Blogging for Dollars Blog at which keeps you up to date with what's happening in the world of professional blogging.
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