Educational Grants

Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Blog

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Why blog at all and why use WordPress? I hear these questions every day. This article will help to take the mystery out of blogging and WordPress.

1. Why blog in the first place?

If you want instant publicity, blog. Blogging is more personal than a static website and you naturally speak in keyword rich terms. This makes you more findable on the web.

2. Establish relationships.

Easily establish relationships with your blog. If you turn on comments and let people leave comments, you are establishing an ongoing relationship with your readers.. This is quite difficult to do with static websites.

3. Search Engine Friendly.

Blogs are search engine friendly. In addition to writing in a more informal but keyword rich style, each post and each comment is a seperate page. It's also fresh content. These are two things that search engines love.

4. Get Feedback.

You can quickly get feedback on your ideas. Put up a survey or simply ask people to leave comments. Tell people you'd love to hear from them. Don't people generally like to express their opinion?

5. Why WordPress.

WordPress is so versatile. If you have your own domain, you can host it yourself to take advantage of everything it has to offer. If you don't have your own domain, you can get a free WordPress blog at Your blog will look more professional if you host it on your domain and if your webhost has Fantastico, it's a snap to install. If your host doesn't have Fantastico, the process is a bit more involved but not at all complicated.

Now you know some reasons to blog and some reasons to use WordPress. It is one of the most versatile blogging platforms available today.

For more tips and tricks on blogging, please visit

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