Educational Grants

Are You Content To Sacrifice Your Contents?

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Look around you: what do you see? A computer will certainly be there; perhaps a television, some ornaments, a stereo system or a priceless antique? Now imagine they were all gone - how much would it cost to replace them?

It's a thought few of us wish to contemplate - the idea that a break-in, flooding or gale force winds could wipe out all of our home contents. However, that doesn't mean we shouldn't come prepared with a suitable home insurance policy.

Remarkably, some 4.7 million adults across the UK have no home contents insurance at all, according to research. Those living in London, which has some notorious crime hotspots, are particularly at risk with around 22 per cent of adults in the area opting to go without contents insurance.

By contrast, it's homeowners in Yorkshire and Humberside who can breathe easily about the threat of accidental damage or theft - around 96 per cent of people in these areas have home contents insurance.

Home contents insurance needn't be expensive. All you need to do is make an assessment of the value of the contents in your home and then shop around with a home insurance comparison website to find the cheapest quote that offers the level of cover you require.

If you're worried about the costs then search for a policy that allows you to pay monthly without any additional charges - there are also several home insurance companies that offer discounts to new customers and people that shop online.

In fact there are many simple steps to reduce home insurance premiums - enhancing the security of your home, for example, can offer peace of mind and earn premium discounts.

Finding a cheap home insurance deal isn't difficult so there's no excuse not to have a home insurance policy that protects your most important possessions.

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