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Health Insurance

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The expenses towards taking care of one's health have been skyrocketing with Hospital expenses hitting the ceiling. In developed countries , Health Insurance schemes have been in vogue for several years now. But in developing countries like India, Health Insurance concept is yet to catch on. Except in metros and other urban areas, this has not been popularised,.But on the other hand, hospital and other medical expenses like cost of life saving drugs have been rising uncontrollably. Even preventive Health care has become highly unaffordable with the cost of diagnostic tests and scans increasing several fold.

It is in this context that Health Insurance becomes a must for every one. Health Care Insurance sector has become very much live with the advent of overseas players. With competition hotting up, Insurance companies have floated several health insurance schemes, with different premia rates in tune with the age and the requirements. Cashless Insurance is slowly catching on. Hospitals and Clinics, after overcoming their initial inertia, have started accepting patients under the Cashless Health card schemes. Much of the hassles in the claim procedures and much paper work have been reduced with companies simplyfying claim procedures.

Now Individuals can choose the company, the scheme and the type of policy that suits their needs best. Health Insurance today covers, hospitalisation costs, domiciliary treatment costs, costs of medicines and tests etc. Some Companies have come out with schemes where they pay the insured a fixed some of money on a weekly basis, for the period of hospitalisation. With both the Cashless and the conventional reimbursement health insurance policies available, now the onus of choice is on the individuals who go in for Health Insurance.

Apart from all these, as social security and welfare measure, Health Insurance is a must. Awareness of the need for Health Insurance must be brought home to every single citizen. With life expectancy on the rise in developing countries, the need for Health insurance is a must. Without insurance, one exposes himself and his family to great risks of losing the entire savings and falling into the debt trap in the event of a critical illness striking the family.

There is no need for Insurance education in the West. But in India, the ground reality is that a vast majority of the teeming millions do not know that such a thing as Health Insurance exists. This is the malady , nay, the tragedy of India. Asian countries must mull over this staggering fact and implement suitable ,state-subsidised schemes for all their nationals, if they want to avoid a huge fall in general health standards due to lack of affordable medical care.

Pkp Iyer, Senior Editor, Excellone Technologies. Excellone Technologies Are Quality Webdesign And Website Development Company From India

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